Like most people around the country we Floridians have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Spring. It’s not that we don’t enjoy our mild winters here in Florida but there is something refreshing about the sweet smell of pollen that fills your sinuses early in the morning only to give way to beads of sweat that race down your nose as the humidity fills the air. As bad as this may sound we Floridians have become accustomed to this trend and look forward to it every year. Out with Winter, in with Summer. No more Jackets and Sweat Shirts!! No more Jeans, Socks, and Gloves!! It’s finally time for Shorts, Microfiber shirts, and Flip Flops!!!
As many Floridians come out of their winter hiding places so will many of the game fish that call the Nature Coast of Florida home throughout the year. As our weather stabilizes over the next few months many migratory species will make their arrival on to many of our local flats. As of late we have already seen the early arrival of many large schools of Spanish Mackerel, Pompano, and Bluefish. Not far behind these schools of fish will be an invasion of baitfish, Bonita, Cobia, Sharks, and Tripletail.
Everyday from here on out will be like Christmas for most Nature Coast Anglers. Everyday a new surprise will arrive and it will all be triggered by great weather, sunny days and a warming trend which Florida is famous for. Over the recent weeks we have already seen the positive affects of what these factors can do for a fishery. With the lack of rain allowing our waters to reach a pristine state and a warming trend that continues to raise our water temperatures conditions are ripening for a variety of fishing styles including topwater lure fishing, fly fishing and sight fishing.
April has long been considered the primo month for anything and everything sight fishing. With so many fish actively feeding along all of our local structures a variety of sight fishing situations will be available to all anglers. Redfish, Speckled Trout, Tripletail, and Cobia will all be top sight fishing targets this months and chances to land all or most of these species with in a day is very possible. The key to targeting all of these species with in a day is to be ready. I rig most of my rods this time of year for the added possibilities. The key to being ready is to have baits and lures on board that appeal to all possible game fish. Live Shrimp, Cut baits, Soft Plastic Shrimp, and Swim baits make great all round baits and should be carried in a variety of sizes and colors.
The appeal to April fishing is the Great Weather and Fantastic fishing. With limitless possibilities and the chance to land a fish of a life time occurring everyday why not think about a Reel Florida Fishing Charter during your next visit to the Nature Coast.
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