With June on the way out and July right on our door step, I can’t help but hope that our July will be half as exciting as our June already has been. Huge Reds, tons of Bluefish, and the best migration of Tarpon our area has seen in 15 years is what myself and my anglers have been spoiled with over the last few weeks.
With the Redfish action along the Nature Coast as hot as the weather my clients and I have opted for a sunrise surprise method of attack when chasing shallow running Reds. With the water temps hovering around the mid 80’s and huge pods of mullet running up and down many of the creeks, cuts, and coves where these Reds love to call home, using plugs and cut ladyfish and mullet have provided the best success for most of my anglers. The trick when targeting early morning shallow Reds is to be patient. Most cut baits put out a ton of scent, so the trick is to let the bait do the work.
The Awesome part about fishing early for Reds is the fact that once the tide leaves your Redfish flats, there should be plenty of visibility for chasing some of the largest migrating Tarpon found anywhere in Florida. The flats off of our Redfish islands are considered by most to be a major navigational highway for Tarpon heading offshore to spawn. The mullet, crabs, and pinfish leaving the shallows of our local islands in search of deeper water are an easy prey for Tarpon before they make their long journey offshore. Although these baits will provide most anglers with success, the true pinnacle of the sport is targeting these Poons on fly. Just ask Jim Reardon who caught his first Poon on fly during a recent Red Hot Fishing Charter.
Now I know when I mention the word Bluefish most of you are going to say, “Why would I want to catch a Bluefish?” My answer to you is, “Why wouldn’t you? Bluefish are actually considered a major species up and down the eastern seaboard but for some reason when these fish get to Florida most spin and fly anglers overlook this species because their names don’t have Red, or Speckled in front of it. My question to you is: What’s to hate about a fish than runs in massive schools, can easily burn grooves in the creases of your fingers, occasionally goes airborne and always eats the ugliest patterns in your lure or fly box?
For those of you that look forward to targeting the Bluefish blitz year after year, the good news is that the fish of 2011 are very impressive in size and in numbers. 100 fish schools with fish ranging from just over a pound to a few well over the 10lb range are patrolling the local flats just waiting for a school of bait fish to make a mistake and come to the surface. Surface plugs and flies are a great way to get an exciting bite, but you cannot beat a jig or Clouser Minnow. One tip to remember is to pack plenty of plugs, flies and tie able wire with you. The sharp teeth of the speedy Blues is enough to slice right through a 25lb Fluorocarbon bite tippet, but the tie able wire will help prolong your next knot tying session.
Scalloping is fun for the whole family. Men, women, and children from all over come to our area to enjoy our scalloping and if you have never tried it you don’t know what you’re missing. Scalloping requires little effort and gives an angler the opportunity to hit the water to see a different aspect with in the fishing world. No rods and reels are necessary for this awesome outdoor activity, all that’s needed is a mask, snorkel, a set of fins and a mesh bag, the rest is left up to the scalloper.
Scallop season normally runs from July 1- September 10, but this year the season was extended from June 25-September 25. Bag limits include 2 gallons, whole per person, per day, with a maximum boat limit of 10 gallons. 10 gallons of scallops is a lot and if you couple that with some freshly caught fish you have all the makings for a great dinner.
So if an above water or underwater experience is what you have been craving feel free to give Reel Florida Fishing Charters a call today.
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