Welcome to Tarpon Country ladies and gentlemen!!! It’s that time of year again where anglers from all over the world descend onto the flats of Crystal River and Homosassa looking to accomplish one goal/life long quest: CATCH A BIG ASS TARPON ON FLY!
Year after year Tarpon migrate north from the waters of south Florida swimming up the Gulf Coast feeding sporadically along the way before making their way offshore to spawn. This migration (in my opinion) begins in late February along the coast of the 10,000 islands before the arrival of the first few Tarpon along our coast in late April. As the Gulf of Mexico warms over the course of the spring and into the summer these Silver Kings continue to swim north following warming water temperatures. Usually the warmer the water the better, as these mostly tropical fish do not like water temperatures below the 72° mark. Here along the Nature Coast when the water temperatures hit 80° and the white butterflies start flying Tarpon chasing fly anglers know its game on!!!
The 2022 season has already been deemed one of the best seasons over the last decade by many of the seasonal Tarpon guides who have fishing these flats for years. Lots of fish, Big fish, and a consistent migratory pattern have lead to numerous daily hook ups featuring plenty of fish in the air. On a regular occurrence this season I’ve had anglers putting 3, 4, 5, fish in the air all before the heat of the day kicked in. Keep in mind that this is a sight fishing fishery so those anglers that are putting fish in the air are often part of the stalk, casting at fish they are visually seeing roll before presenting a fly and watching the eat!! There is nothing more exciting in all of fly-fishing than watching a 100lb+ fish suck a fly off the surface in 4ft of crystal clear water.
For those anglers interested in hitting the water for a day of Tarpon fishing feel free to reach out as we still have opportunities available over the summer. We are also starting to book for the 2023 season and these slots fill up way in advance. Bring it on folks!!!
Capt. Kyle Messier
(352) 634-4002
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