Black Drum
With Tarpon and Redfish getting most of the positive press here along the Nature Coast, many fly anglers tend to overlook one of the most exciting runs of the season. The crystal clear flats off of Crystal River and Homosassa boast a Black Drum run that is second to none in Florida. Typically the months of February-March and October-December are the most productive, but with our area offering such an abundance of food and habitat and very little pressure, year-round sight fishing opportunities for Giant Black Drum is gaining momentum year after year.
Black Drum have long been know as the ugly brother of the Redfish, but they are anything but ugly. Often reaching sizes of well over 20lbs, it’s not uncommon to tangle with a beast weighing in at well over 50lbs. The extraordinary aspect when fishing for these Giants is that they tend to travel in schools containing well over 100 fish and they are targeted is some of the most shallow and beautiful waters our area has to offer. Can you imagine fishing in 3 feet of the clearest water in Florida only to have a 1000 tails glistening in the Florida Sun. As amazing as this may sound in the heart of their run this can be an everyday occurrence.
When fly-fishing for Black Drum fly preferences are as easy as making sure your fly looks like a crab or a shrimp. A stiff rod is a must for these bruisers and although they may not make runs like a Redfish or jumps like a Tarpon, a Black Drums down and dirty tactics will challenge even the most seasoned fly anglers.
So if chasing down large schools of Giant Black Drum is on your fly fishing check-off list feel free to give Capt. Kyle Messier of Reel Florida Fishing Charters a call today!!!